
GPS car Tracker

Price : ₦12,000.00 /pc

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10 pc Available
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While we always hope for the best in life, sometimes bad things happen. Having your car stolen will leave you frustrated, upset and, in many cases, lacking options.

Fortunately, the Fourth Vision PRO - Real-Time Car Tracker is an inexpensive solution that can easily make the difference between a car lost forever and a quick recovery. This monitoring device lets you create your own personal vehicle tracking system. As it is a GPS tracker it can be used in the car, bus, cab and many more vehicles, it's suitable for the majority of vehicles.

The tracking device for vehicles lets you track your business vehicles in just a second. Use the key features of GPS tracking devices such as time specification, parking alerts, waterproofing and much more all contained in just one device for your safety.

  • the high-quality device
  • suitable for the majority of vehicles
  • real-time tracking, show location information automatically (you get instructions and location information via SMS, can query on Google map)
  • LED indicators - show working status at any time
  • supports web, SMS and Google map link
  • need platform registration (Android/IOS APP, web/WAP)
  • two-way locating methods based on MBS and GPS
  • password needed - for making and changing any setup to protect your privacy
  • takes power supply from car cigarette lighter or car storage battery
  • accurately position even when the signal is weak
  • GPS tracker is easy to install, it supports hidden and open installation. 
  • Built-in switching power supply, wide voltage input range (suitable for all cars), plug and work.

Easy installation: 

  1. Install SIM card 
  2. Tracker must be facing with transmitter side up.
  3. After installing the tracker, check your phone if it's connected.
  4. To test the tracker, make a call then after 5 seconds, you will receive a text message having the URL of the car's location.

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